15 Juni 2012

Training of Tutor Paket B and Paket C in South Jakarta

Public Learning Center or “Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM) “ Alfa Husna received an invitation to participate in an event:  "Tutor Training ‘Paket B’ and ‘Paket C’ in South Jakarta" from ‘Suku Dinas Pendidikan Menengah Jakarta Selatan’ at Graha Insan Cita Depok on 2-3 May 2012.The event was attended by tutors from 50 PKBM  in South Jakarta.

The theme of this event is:
“Increased Competency of PKBM Tutors’ South Jakarta: Competency Pedagogy/Andragogy, Personality, Social and Professional.”

In the opening program was explains the existence of 12- year compulsory education program that will apply in Jakarta on 2013. It is mean that all the citizens of Jakarta compulsory education at least high school level. For citizen who have not completed high school education up to the level required to continue in PKBM. That is why the tutors have to increase competence even be equivalent to the competence of teachers in formal schools.

In this event, the tutors were grouped according to their respective fields of study. Group of The tutors ‘ Paket B’  are Bahasa Indonesia, English, Social, Science and Mathematics and the tutor Paket C are study package Citizenship Education, Geography, Sociology, and Economics. The group assigned to discuss the matter together.

This event was closed on Thursday, May 3rd 2012 at 3pm.

Author: Isna Hanifah, S.Pd (Tutor of PKBM Alfa Husna)
Source of Photo: Sudin Dikmen Jakarta Selatan's Collections


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