24 September 2011

My Graduation My Wonderful Day

Finally I graduated from Universitas Negeri Jakarta. I got tittle for my name >> S.Pd (Sarjana Pendidikan). Hmm.. this is not end, I know this is the begin. Smile and face your best future.

Where will I go now? Hmm.. I will take a start from Education World in Indonesia. I will dedicated my self for a better Indonesia. Let's see what will I do for my lovely country.

Congratulation for all my friends, and Let's us success together!

Thank you for God, You are The Best.. Alhamdulillah..
Thanks to:
My Mom & Dad
My Sisters
My Brothers
My Teachers
My Friends
and all people who help me to finish my study

Thank you Thank you.. may Allah bless you all.. :*

Theme this day is Maroon's Day!

a bucket flower from my brother

We ready to face the FUTURE :D

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